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This study investigated Mathematics laboratory as determinant of students’ performance in Mathematics in Atiba LocalGovernment Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. The descriptive survey design research was adopted for the study. Mathematics teachers in all the public senior secondary schools in Atiba Local Government Area of Oyo State constituted the population for the study and fifteen public secondary schools were randomly selected using simple random sampling technique. In each school, two Mathematics teachers were sampled using purposive sampling technique. A total of 30 respondents were used for the study. A self-designed instrument titled” Mathematics Laboratories and Students` Academic Performance Questionnaire (MLSAPQ)” was used to collect data for the study. The instrument had 3 sections. Section A was on biographical data of the respondents while section B and C contains 10 items each on the Mathematics Laboratories and academic performance of students in Mathematics. The questionnaire was validated by expertsin Test and Measurement. The reliability of the instrument was established using test-retest method and this yielded reliability co-efficient of 0.75. The data collected were analyzed using frequency counts and ranking order analysis. The findings revealed Mathematics laboratory is a factor to be considered when it comes to students’ academic performance in mathematics in public secondary schools in Atiba Local Government area of Oyo state. It was again revealed that inadequate teachers also a factor that leads to poor performance of students in Mathematics. It was recommended that Mathematics laboratory should be introduced by theEducation ministry in public secondary schools. More qualified and experienced Mathematics teachers should be recruited into the public secondary schools and that there is need for regular training for Mathematics teachers through seminars, conference and workshops as these would improve their skills and enhance achieving educational objectives. Keywords: Mathematics, Laboratory, Students’ Performance in Mathematics.
Tags/Keywords: laboratory, mathematics