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The high rate of poverty, diseases, unemployment, violence, exploitation, political corruption, terrorism and the corruption in public life in Nigeria could be related to erosion of moral value. It has been reported that the mastery of the scientific methods and the acquisition of scientific values and attitudes could tremendously help towards the development of moral value. Therefore, this study examined influence of chemistry education in values inculcation. The study was carried out in Federal College in education (special) Oyo. A total number of eighty (80) students were selected. Data were obtained from the participants through the researchers designed questionnaire containing ten (10) chemistry questions which were based on the interaction of atoms in forming chemical bonds and ten (10) questions on moral value. The data collected were analyzed by Pearson moment correlation and simple linear regression using R software version 3.6.2. No significant correlation between the chemistry education and moral value was observed during the analysis. It was concluded that development of moral values in the students is not affected by their level of understanding of the elements interaction and the applications of the interaction in human lives, and that development of the moral value cannot be predicted by the level of knowledge acquired in chemistry. Therefore it was recommended that, in order to remove the present problems associated with insecurity, introduction of moral value education into chemistry curriculum is essential for inculcation of moral value into science students to promote social welfare, love, peace, good will and understanding in their community and Nigeria at large.
Keywords: Chemistry, Education, National security, Science, Value
Tags/Keywords: Chemistry, Education, National security, Science, Value