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The Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) burden is not small; WASH issues constitute the central content of Goal 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals- Clean Water and Sanitation for the world by the year 2030, which developing countries especially, sees as an ambitious target. The task of finding effective solution to the WASH burden in Nigeria is being compounded by the seeming neglect or ignorance about the significance of an inclusive, formal biology education in our secondary schools. Currently, biology in senior secondary schools in the country is restricted to only the science class as against the previous policy with a window of opportunity that allows all the students take biology. Biology content is a part of the curriculum that cannot be neglected if an efficient and effective solution is desired. Biology offers the right science strategy in achieving the vision of education for national development as far as WASH is concerned. This paper recommends a quick review of the exclusive status of the subject in our secondary schools.
Keywords: water, sanitation, and hygiene; sustainable development; biology education;
Tags/Keywords: water, sanitation, and hygiene; sustainable development; biology education